Who are Marriage and Family Therapists?
Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), also known as Couple and Family Therapists (CFTs), are mental health professionals trained in psychotherapy and family systems. MFTs expand the traditional therapeutic emphasis on the individual to attend to the nature and role of individuals in primary relationship networks such as the couple relationship and/or the family.
(adapted from AAMFT qualifications)
How effective is Marriage and Family Therapy?
Research studies repeatedly demonstrate the effectiveness of marriage and family therapy in treating the full range of mental and emotional disorders and health problems. Clients report marked improvement in work productivity, co-worker relationships, family relationships, partner relationships, emotional health, overall health, social life and community involvement. (Adapted from AAMFT)
Do I have to be married to see a Marriage and Family Therapist?
Absolutely not! Individuals and unmarried couples often seek marriage and family therapists for help with behavioral problems, relationship issues, or mental and emotional disorders.
What is the frequency and duration of therapy sessions?
I typically see clients once a week. However, I strive to maintain flexibility given my clients busy and demanding schedules. Thus, sometimes it is a combination of weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions. Depending on the reason for initiating therapy, the length of treatment can vary. I believe determining completion of services is a collaborative process for clients and therapist. We will discuss progress towards goals in and outside of therapy, as well as explore and evaluate newly learned skills. There is never any pressure to continue services; I am here to help you for as long as it feels helpful.
Do you accept insurance?
While I understand economic times are tough and insurance may be a great way to participate in therapy at a lower costs, I do not accept insurance for several reasons. It is important to me that you understand why I do not accept insurance so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not using insurance is the best choice for you.
If I accepted insurance:
I would have to give you a mental health diagnosis. I personally do not feel comfortable creating a diagnosis for someone who seeks our services and is experiencing very typical couple and family relationship issues. Keep in mind, a diagnosis becomes a part of your permanent record with that insurance company and may follow you for the rest of your life (this could create difficulties in receiving future care and coverage).
Someone at the insurance company will decide if they will continue to pay for us to work together. I believe you and I should make decisions regarding the nature and length of your therapy, not someone who has never met you.
It is possible that several different people will look at the report with your mental health diagnosis before making a payment on the account. I value your privacy and I am committed to protecting your confidentiality.
Advantages of Self-Pay:
Private paying clients will have permanent health records void of their mental health diagnosis and prevent insurance companies from having legal access to their diagnosis, treatment plan, and case notes containing a great deal of personal information.
As a private paying client you can be assured of the following:
No contact needed with a third party payor (i.e. insurance company)​
Ability to choose a therapist based on the needs and values you desire, rather than who is available in your network
Ability to determine length of treatment and care
You can be confident that your care and personal information is held to the highest standard of privacy allowed by Maryland and North Carolina laws and statutes.
Ultimately, I believe you know what is the best choice for you and your family. I believe you should make that decision once you feel you have been well informed. Remember, if using your insurance is the right decision for you, your insurance company can provide you with a list of providers in your area that accept your plan. On the back of your insurance card you will find the number for mental health services. Call this number for a list of providers and for more information about your out-of-network benefits.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We require a credit card to be kept on file. We accept all major credit cards. Fees are collected at the end of every session.
Where are you located?
All services are provided via HIPAA compliant telehealth. Clients must be located in Maryland, North Carolina, or Florida.